Mac 에서 Cocos 개발 환경 설정을 해보면서 기록으로 남깁니다.
Open Source Cross-Platform Game Development Framework Cocos2d-x is a mature open source cross-platform game development framework that supports 2D and 3D game creation. The engine provides rich functions such as graphics rendering, GUI, audio, network, physics, user input, etc., and is widely used in game development and interactive application construction. Its core is written in C++ and supports development in C++, Lua or JavaScript. Cocos2d-x deploys to iOS, Android, HTML5, Windows and Mac systems with features focused on native mobile platforms. |
Cocos Creator
Integrated game development tool centered on content creation Cocos Creator is a script development, entity-component and data-driven game development tool focused on content creation. It comes with an easy-to-follow content production workflow and a powerful suite of developer tools for game logic and high-performance game creation |
Download Cocos Creator, Win + Mac , Free Game Engine | Cocos Creator & Cocos2d-x Official
Compared to v1.9, the v1.10 version adds a lot of features, refactoring the resources of the engine, and greatly optimizing the size of the settings.js file. In addition, v1.10 also supports game code subcontracting on WeChat games, web and native platfo
우선 원하는 버전의 Cocos 를 다운로드 받습니다.
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원하는 버전의 Creater 를 선택해 설치해 준다.
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